[INFO] updating cached repository Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server [INFO] running `"git" "fetch" "--all"` [INFO] [stdout] Fetching origin [INFO] [stderr] From git://github.com/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server [INFO] [stderr] * branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD [INFO] running `"git" "clone" "work/cache/sources/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server" "work/ex/pr-58592/sources/master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server"` [INFO] [stderr] Cloning into 'work/ex/pr-58592/sources/master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server'... [INFO] [stderr] done. [INFO] running `"git" "clone" "work/cache/sources/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server" "work/ex/pr-58592/sources/try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server"` [INFO] [stderr] Cloning into 'work/ex/pr-58592/sources/try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server'... [INFO] [stderr] done. [INFO] running `"git" "rev-parse" "HEAD"` [INFO] [stdout] 0b029f95b523fc2ad869a137f57785e6a63e0350 [INFO] sha for GitHub repo Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server: 0b029f95b523fc2ad869a137f57785e6a63e0350 [INFO] validating manifest of Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server on toolchain master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb-alt" "read-manifest" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] validating manifest of Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server on toolchain try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a-alt" "read-manifest" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] started frobbing Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server [INFO] finished frobbing Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server [INFO] frobbed toml for Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server written to work/ex/pr-58592/sources/master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server/Cargo.toml [INFO] started frobbing Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server [INFO] finished frobbing Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server [INFO] frobbed toml for Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server written to work/ex/pr-58592/sources/try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server/Cargo.toml [INFO] crate Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server has a lockfile. skipping [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb-alt" "fetch" "--locked" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a-alt" "fetch" "--locked" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] checking Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server against try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a for pr-58592 [INFO] running `"docker" "create" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/local/target-dirs/pr-58592/worker-3/try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a:/opt/crater/target:rw,Z" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/ex/pr-58592/sources/try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a/gh/Hand-of-Cthulhu/restic-browsing-server:/opt/crater/workdir:ro,Z" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home:/opt/crater/cargo-home:ro,Z" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/local/rustup-home:/opt/crater/rustup-home:ro,Z" "-e" "USER_ID=1000" "-e" "SOURCE_DIR=/opt/crater/workdir" "-e" "MAP_USER_ID=1000" "-e" "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/opt/crater/target" "-e" "CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0" "-e" "RUST_BACKTRACE=full" "-e" "RUSTFLAGS=--cap-lints=forbid" "-e" "CARGO_HOME=/opt/crater/cargo-home" "-e" "RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/crater/rustup-home" "-w" "/opt/crater/workdir" "-m" "1536M" "--network" "none" "rustops/crates-build-env" "/opt/crater/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a-alt" "check" "--frozen" "--all" "--all-targets"` [INFO] [stdout] 1681a756d1f9fb1f00a7d3c48c5f4a924724ec1f1eb65eefac7f5dda51beabff [INFO] running `"docker" "start" "-a" "1681a756d1f9fb1f00a7d3c48c5f4a924724ec1f1eb65eefac7f5dda51beabff"` [INFO] [stderr] Compiling bzip2-sys v0.1.7 [INFO] [stderr] Compiling mysqlclient-sys v0.2.3 [INFO] [stderr] Compiling syn v0.14.9 [INFO] [stderr] Checking mio-extras v2.0.5 [INFO] [stderr] Compiling rocket_http v0.4.0 [INFO] [stderr] Checking tokio-reactor v0.1.7 [INFO] [stderr] Checking inotify v0.6.1 [INFO] [stderr] Checking diesel v1.3.3 [INFO] [stderr] Checking bzip2 v0.3.3 [INFO] [stderr] Checking zip v0.5.0 [INFO] [stderr] Checking notify v4.0.6 [INFO] [stderr] Compiling pest_generator v2.0.0 [INFO] [stderr] Compiling rocket_codegen v0.4.0 [INFO] [stderr] Compiling pest_derive v2.0.1 [INFO] [stderr] Checking handlebars v1.1.0 [INFO] [stderr] Checking rocket v0.4.0 [INFO] [stderr] Checking rocket_contrib v0.4.0 [INFO] [stderr] Checking restic_browsing_server v0.1.0 (/opt/crater/workdir) [INFO] [stderr] error: couldn't read src/../database_url: No such file or directory (os error 2) [INFO] [stderr] --> src/helper.rs:18:28 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 18 | const DATABASE_URL: &str = include_str!("../database_url"); [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] error: couldn't read src/../database_url: No such file or directory (os error 2) [INFO] [stderr] --> src/helper.rs:18:28 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 18 | const DATABASE_URL: &str = include_str!("../database_url"); [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `table` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::table_body macros>:165:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 165 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId ) ] /// The actual table struct [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = note: #[warn(proc_macro_derive_resolution_fallback)] on by default [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `table` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::table_body macros>:165:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 165 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId ) ] /// The actual table struct [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `id` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `username` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `email` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `password` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `salt` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `enced_enc_pass` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `owning_user` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `name` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `path` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `encryption_password` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `service_used` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `env_name` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `service_type` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `service_name` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `enc_addr_part` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `env_name_id` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `owning_service` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `encrypted_env_value` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `env_name_ids` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `encrypted_env_values` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `last_insert_id` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::expression::functions::no_arg_sql_function_body_except_to_sql macros>:3:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 3 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId ) ] pub struct $ type_name ; impl $ [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `update_repositories` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::expression::functions::__diesel_sql_function_body macros>:59:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 59 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , DieselNumericOps ) ] pub struct $ [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `update_repositories` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::expression::functions::__diesel_sql_function_body macros>:59:43 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 59 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , DieselNumericOps ) ] pub struct $ [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `Users` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:90:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 90 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:90:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 90 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserLogin` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:101:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 101 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `Users` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:101:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 101 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserLogin` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:101:24 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 101 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserManagement` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:110:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 110 | #[derive(Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbEnvNames` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:117:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 117 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `EnvNames` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:117:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 117 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbEnvNames` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:117:24 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 117 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbServiceType` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:124:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 124 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceType` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:124:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 124 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbServiceType` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:124:24 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 124 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbBasesList` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:131:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 131 | #[derive(Queryable, Debug, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ConnectionInfo` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:140:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 140 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ConnectionInfoIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:140:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 140 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `Services` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:150:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 150 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServicesIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:150:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 150 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceContents` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:159:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 159 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceContentIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:159:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 159 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbQueryView` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:167:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 167 | #[derive(Queryable,Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `QueryView` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:167:20 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 167 | #[derive(Queryable,Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbQueryView` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:167:20 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 167 | #[derive(Queryable,Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbEncryptedData` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:189:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 189 | #[derive(Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: unused import: `Template` [INFO] [stderr] --> src/handlebar_helpers.rs:4:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 4 | use rocket_contrib::templates::{Template, [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = note: #[warn(unused_imports)] on by default [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: unused imports: `FromRequest`, `Request`, `self` [INFO] [stderr] --> src/account_management.rs:6:30 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 6 | use super::rocket::request::{self, Form, FlashMessage, FromRequest, Request}; [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ConInfoData` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/main.rs:203:25 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 203 | #[derive(Serialize, Queryable)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceData` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/main.rs:210:25 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 210 | #[derive(Serialize, Queryable)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: unused import: `Services` [INFO] [stderr] --> src/main.rs:498:21 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 498 | use db_tables::{Services, update_repositories}; [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `table` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::table_body macros>:165:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 165 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId ) ] /// The actual table struct [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = note: #[warn(proc_macro_derive_resolution_fallback)] on by default [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `table` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::table_body macros>:165:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 165 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId ) ] /// The actual table struct [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `id` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `username` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `email` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `password` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `salt` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `enced_enc_pass` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `owning_user` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `name` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `path` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `encryption_password` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `service_used` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `env_name` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `service_type` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `service_name` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `enc_addr_part` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `env_name_id` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `owning_service` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `encrypted_env_value` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `env_name_ids` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `encrypted_env_values` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::macros::__diesel_column macros>:5:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 5 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , Default ) ] pub struct $ column_name [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `last_insert_id` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::expression::functions::no_arg_sql_function_body_except_to_sql macros>:3:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 3 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId ) ] pub struct $ type_name ; impl $ [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `update_repositories` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::expression::functions::__diesel_sql_function_body macros>:59:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 59 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , DieselNumericOps ) ] pub struct $ [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `update_repositories` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> <::diesel::expression::functions::__diesel_sql_function_body macros>:59:43 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 59 | derive ( Debug , Clone , Copy , QueryId , DieselNumericOps ) ] pub struct $ [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `Users` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:90:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 90 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:90:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 90 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserLogin` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:101:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 101 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `Users` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:101:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 101 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserLogin` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:101:24 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 101 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbUserManagement` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:110:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 110 | #[derive(Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbEnvNames` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:117:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 117 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `EnvNames` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:117:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 117 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbEnvNames` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:117:24 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 117 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbServiceType` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:124:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 124 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceType` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:124:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 124 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbServiceType` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:124:24 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 124 | #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Debug, Clone, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbBasesList` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:131:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 131 | #[derive(Queryable, Debug, Serialize)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ConnectionInfo` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:140:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 140 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ConnectionInfoIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:140:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 140 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `Services` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:150:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 150 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServicesIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:150:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 150 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceContents` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:159:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 159 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceContentIns` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:159:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 159 | #[derive(Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbQueryView` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:167:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 167 | #[derive(Queryable,Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `QueryView` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:167:20 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 167 | #[derive(Queryable,Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbQueryView` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:167:20 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 167 | #[derive(Queryable,Insertable, Debug)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `DbEncryptedData` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:189:10 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 189 | #[derive(Queryable, Debug, Clone)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: unused import: `Template` [INFO] [stderr] --> src/handlebar_helpers.rs:4:33 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 4 | use rocket_contrib::templates::{Template, [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = note: #[warn(unused_imports)] on by default [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: unused imports: `FromRequest`, `Request`, `self` [INFO] [stderr] --> src/account_management.rs:6:30 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 6 | use super::rocket::request::{self, Form, FlashMessage, FromRequest, Request}; [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ConInfoData` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/main.rs:203:25 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 203 | #[derive(Serialize, Queryable)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: cannot find type `ServiceData` in this scope [INFO] [stderr] --> src/main.rs:210:25 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 210 | #[derive(Serialize, Queryable)] [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^ names from parent modules are not accessible without an explicit import [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = warning: this was previously accepted by the compiler but is being phased out; it will become a hard error in a future release! [INFO] [stderr] = note: for more information, see issue #50504 [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: unused import: `Services` [INFO] [stderr] --> src/main.rs:498:21 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 498 | use db_tables::{Services, update_repositories}; [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: use of deprecated item 'diesel::types::Integer': Use `sql_types::Integer` instead [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:80:38 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 80 | no_arg_sql_function!(last_insert_id, diesel::types::Integer); [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = note: #[warn(deprecated)] on by default [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] warning: use of deprecated item 'diesel::types::Integer': Use `sql_types::Integer` instead [INFO] [stderr] --> src/db_tables.rs:80:38 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 80 | no_arg_sql_function!(last_insert_id, diesel::types::Integer); [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] = note: #[warn(deprecated)] on by default [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] error: aborting due to previous error [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] error: Could not compile `restic_browsing_server`. [INFO] [stderr] warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... [INFO] [stderr] error: aborting due to previous error [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] error: Could not compile `restic_browsing_server`. [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] To learn more, run the command again with --verbose. [INFO] running `"docker" "inspect" "1681a756d1f9fb1f00a7d3c48c5f4a924724ec1f1eb65eefac7f5dda51beabff"` [INFO] running `"docker" "rm" "-f" "1681a756d1f9fb1f00a7d3c48c5f4a924724ec1f1eb65eefac7f5dda51beabff"` [INFO] [stdout] 1681a756d1f9fb1f00a7d3c48c5f4a924724ec1f1eb65eefac7f5dda51beabff