[INFO] crate data-buffer 0.4.3 is already in cache [INFO] extracting crate data-buffer 0.4.3 into work/ex/pr-58592/sources/master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb/reg/data-buffer/0.4.3 [INFO] extracting crate data-buffer 0.4.3 into work/ex/pr-58592/sources/try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a/reg/data-buffer/0.4.3 [INFO] validating manifest of data-buffer-0.4.3 on toolchain master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb-alt" "read-manifest" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] validating manifest of data-buffer-0.4.3 on toolchain try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a-alt" "read-manifest" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] started frobbing data-buffer-0.4.3 [INFO] finished frobbing data-buffer-0.4.3 [INFO] frobbed toml for data-buffer-0.4.3 written to work/ex/pr-58592/sources/master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb/reg/data-buffer/0.4.3/Cargo.toml [INFO] started frobbing data-buffer-0.4.3 [INFO] finished frobbing data-buffer-0.4.3 [INFO] frobbed toml for data-buffer-0.4.3 written to work/ex/pr-58592/sources/try#c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a/reg/data-buffer/0.4.3/Cargo.toml [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb-alt" "generate-lockfile" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml" "-Zno-index-update"` [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a-alt" "generate-lockfile" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml" "-Zno-index-update"` [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb-alt" "fetch" "--locked" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] running `"/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+c3b22200e6f5b70eb1f99ae6944d989ae17a458a-alt" "fetch" "--locked" "--manifest-path" "Cargo.toml"` [INFO] checking data-buffer-0.4.3 against master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb for pr-58592 [INFO] running `"docker" "create" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/local/target-dirs/pr-58592/worker-3/master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb:/opt/crater/target:rw,Z" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/ex/pr-58592/sources/master#f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb/reg/data-buffer/0.4.3:/opt/crater/workdir:ro,Z" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/local/cargo-home:/opt/crater/cargo-home:ro,Z" "-v" "/mnt/big/crater/work/local/rustup-home:/opt/crater/rustup-home:ro,Z" "-e" "USER_ID=1000" "-e" "SOURCE_DIR=/opt/crater/workdir" "-e" "MAP_USER_ID=1000" "-e" "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/opt/crater/target" "-e" "CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0" "-e" "RUST_BACKTRACE=full" "-e" "RUSTFLAGS=--cap-lints=forbid" "-e" "CARGO_HOME=/opt/crater/cargo-home" "-e" "RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/crater/rustup-home" "-w" "/opt/crater/workdir" "-m" "1536M" "--network" "none" "rustops/crates-build-env" "/opt/crater/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+f66e4697ae286985ddefc53c3a047614568458bb-alt" "check" "--frozen" "--all" "--all-targets"` [INFO] [stdout] 4d81b0ea450d3a35c1e6737d5c7c3bd365a005a55b5206d8ab28fedc07ec8d89 [INFO] running `"docker" "start" "-a" "4d81b0ea450d3a35c1e6737d5c7c3bd365a005a55b5206d8ab28fedc07ec8d89"` [INFO] [stderr] Checking reinterpret v0.1.2 [INFO] [stderr] Checking data-buffer v0.4.3 (/opt/crater/workdir) [INFO] [stderr] error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements [INFO] [stderr] --> src/lib.rs:214:38 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 214 | if TypeId::of::() != self.type_id() { None } else { Some(self) } [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 213:5... [INFO] [stderr] --> src/lib.rs:213:5 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 213 | / pub fn check_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Self> { [INFO] [stderr] 214 | | if TypeId::of::() != self.type_id() { None } else { Some(self) } [INFO] [stderr] 215 | | } [INFO] [stderr] | |_____^ [INFO] [stderr] = note: ...so that the types are compatible: [INFO] [stderr] expected &&mut DataBuffer [INFO] [stderr] found &&mut DataBuffer [INFO] [stderr] = note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the static lifetime... [INFO] [stderr] note: ...so that the type `&mut DataBuffer` will meet its required lifetime bounds [INFO] [stderr] --> src/lib.rs:214:38 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 214 | if TypeId::of::() != self.type_id() { None } else { Some(self) } [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] error: aborting due to previous error [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0495`. [INFO] [stderr] error: Could not compile `data-buffer`. [INFO] [stderr] warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish... [INFO] [stderr] error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements [INFO] [stderr] --> src/lib.rs:214:38 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 214 | if TypeId::of::() != self.type_id() { None } else { Some(self) } [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] note: first, the lifetime cannot outlive the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the method body at 213:5... [INFO] [stderr] --> src/lib.rs:213:5 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 213 | / pub fn check_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Self> { [INFO] [stderr] 214 | | if TypeId::of::() != self.type_id() { None } else { Some(self) } [INFO] [stderr] 215 | | } [INFO] [stderr] | |_____^ [INFO] [stderr] = note: ...so that the types are compatible: [INFO] [stderr] expected &&mut DataBuffer [INFO] [stderr] found &&mut DataBuffer [INFO] [stderr] = note: but, the lifetime must be valid for the static lifetime... [INFO] [stderr] note: ...so that the type `&mut DataBuffer` will meet its required lifetime bounds [INFO] [stderr] --> src/lib.rs:214:38 [INFO] [stderr] | [INFO] [stderr] 214 | if TypeId::of::() != self.type_id() { None } else { Some(self) } [INFO] [stderr] | ^^^^^^^ [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] error: aborting due to previous error [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0495`. [INFO] [stderr] error: Could not compile `data-buffer`. [INFO] [stderr] [INFO] [stderr] To learn more, run the command again with --verbose. [INFO] running `"docker" "inspect" "4d81b0ea450d3a35c1e6737d5c7c3bd365a005a55b5206d8ab28fedc07ec8d89"` [INFO] running `"docker" "rm" "-f" "4d81b0ea450d3a35c1e6737d5c7c3bd365a005a55b5206d8ab28fedc07ec8d89"` [INFO] [stdout] 4d81b0ea450d3a35c1e6737d5c7c3bd365a005a55b5206d8ab28fedc07ec8d89